Antimanierista is an extension of Trio Anitimanierista made up by Antonia
Funes, David Diaz and Victor Sequi. For this extended version they are joined
by five other musicians. One of them is Juan Crek of Macromassa. The orchestra offers a bunch of radical
improvisations, not coming from a jazz attitude and capability, but more from a
do-it-yourself attitude. Some pieces are
more dealing with ambient like sound sculptures, like the title track
‘Saturnation’ whereas other pieces are into free improvisation, noise, rock or
otherwise loosely composed entities.
They have plenty of ideas, and there is a definitely fine interaction between them. Absolutely a
charming release of sympathetic anarchistic music, consisting of non-verbal
singing by Crek, guitars, cellos, drums, turntables, clarinet and trumpet. (DM)
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